SwiftUI Bootstrap. Initial project.
I think you know Bootstrap for web development. The first versions was named Twitter Bottstrap, now it is open sourced and free to use.
My idea is to create a design system for Apple Ecosystems, not only for iOS platform that represents the same idea of Bootstrap.
For example, Alerts is a good example.
<div class="alert alert-primary" role="alert">
A simple primary alert—check it out!
Alerts it is a simple text with a background where represents a semantic color like primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, and so on.
Another feature for a good design system is accessibility. In these days, accessibility is a mandatory feature for all apps.
Dynamic Settings
If we want to reuse these components in multiple projects, we need to create the way to inject custom colors, custom assets in a easy way. Here, one solution is to use Tuist. Tuist can manage multiple projects and multiple schemes and we can select specific target for settings.